Current Almond Research – Nut Protein and Health (November 2020)
Recent research (from November 2020) by Nutrition Research Australia, collated by Nuts for Life has presented some intriguing findings of the role of nuts (including almonds) on health outcomes.
Within the past 20 years, it has been established that the consumption of protein from at least 50% of plant sources has been associated with decreased risk of chronic disease. These include cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. However, it is now being discovered that protein from nuts, specifically, is best at reducing one’s risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by up to 60%!
So now we know that nut protein is critical for bettering our quality of life and preventing the onset of various chronic diseases… this is where almonds come in!
- Published:

Healthy Foods
Nutrition Research & Healthy Eating
– Shutterstock
Almonds are among the highest sources of nut-based protein, containing almost 6g per 30g serving. Not only this, but almonds contain a variety of other nutrients, such as unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and magnesium. These work with the nut-protein to further improve your health outcomes!
The best thing? Is that it’s so easy to incorporate almonds into your diet! You can eat a 30g handful serving per day or incorporate them into a wide variety of savoury and sweet dishes. They can be sprinkled atop of steamed beans or in stir-fries or used to make vegan cakes and cookies. There are so many possibilities to take control of your health with almonds!
Click here if you would like to read the full summary report from Nuts for Life.