#1 Health Food
Studies indicate that almonds are the healthiest food on the planet. This is quantified as almonds being the most “nutritionally fit” food, meaning they offer the greatest nutrient punch when compared to various other superfoods. These include chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and kale.
Nut consumption, particularly almonds, has a bigger impact on your health outcomes than you may expect. The Australia Institute of Health and Welfare found that nut consumption impacted the quality of life more than high vegetable consumption, and low consumption of sugar and sodium.
blood sugar
Cardiovascular health
Protects against heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.
Healthy monounsaturated fats, Vitamin E, flavonoids, polyphenols and plant sterols. reduce ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, and preventing clogged arteries.
The amino acid arginine in almonds allows blood vessels to widen, decreasing blood pressure and preventing blood clotting.
Antioxidants and phytochemicals in almonds reduce inflammation that contributes to heart disease.
Magnesium also works to reduce blood pressure and to keep your heartbeat regular.
Diabetes/blood sugar
Almonds lower the glycaemic index (GI) of other foods consumed with them. This means a slower, more steady release of energy, preventing blood sugar spikes for diabetics and keeping your energy levels more stable throughout the day.
Almonds promote insulin sensitivity.
The unsaturated fats, plant protein, fibre, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals within almonds all work together to create a powerful metabolism booster.
Almonds are one of the richest sources of magnesium from food, which helps everything from your DNA to your largest muscles.
– Improved nerve and muscle function
– Stabilises sugar levels and blood pressure
– May potentially improve your sleep
– Prevents the onset of osteoporosis
Almonds may protect you from longer-term health problems too, including colorectal, endometrial and pancreatic cancers.
Antioxidant compounds Vitamin E, polyphenols and oleic acid in almonds have been suggested to contribute to this cancer protection.
cognitive performance
quality of your sleep
Mental Wellbeing/Cognitive Function
Protects your brain against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
Antioxidants in almonds, particularly Vitamin E, work to reduce the effects of oxidative stress in the brain. This keeps your brain working at its best long-term, and prevents the cognitive decay associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Increases cognitive performance
Increase your brainpower with the power of almonds! Studies have shown that children’s cognitive ability, attention and working memory capacity increase when their mothers consumed almonds during their first trimester of pregnancy.
Almonds may help you to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as the quality of your sleep.
Fat Burner
Healthy Skin
Almonds are your new secret weapon if you are aiming to lose or maintain your weight.
High in plant protein and fibre, almonds make you feel fuller with fewer calories.
Almonds help you decrease the calories you actually metabolise.
It is being discovered that, when eating almonds, you are actually digesting up to 30% fewer calories first thought as these are indigestible by the human body.
You actually burn more calories after you eat almonds.
Further helps you to lose or maintain weight.
Increases activity of satiety (fullness) hormones following consumption.
Healthy monounsaturated fats in almonds activate satiety hormones, allowing the body to recognise when it is full sooner, reducing calorie intake.
Anti-skin aging
Keep your youthful glow with almonds! Vitamin E protects you against free radicals from environmental conditions (including UV and pollution) to help keep your skin looking younger for longer.
Maintain healthy skin
Almonds contain Vitamins B2 and 3 (Riboflavin and Niacin) which contribute to your skin’s long-term health.
Zinc also bolsters the skin health benefits of these B-Vitamins.
One of the fatty acids contained in almonds, linoleic acid, is an essential fatty acid (which we can only get from our diet) that acts as a barrier to retain moisture in the skin and protect against irritants.
Almonds maintain hair and skin pigmentation with copper.
Gut Health
Improved immunity
Plant-based Protein
Gut Health
Eating almonds regularly can help prevent chronic diseases, by boosting your gut health
Nuts, including almonds, have the ability to increase the amount and diversity of your gut bacteria.
They also serve as prebiotics, feeding the bacteria already in your gut to keep them healthy and strong to help fight off disease.
Improved immunity
Did you know that about 80% of your immunity begins with your gut health?
Almonds can enhance your immunity through your gut to protect against short-term illnesses including colds and flus.
Healthy Lifestyle
Almonds are bursting with plant-based protein
This protein has benefits for many of your body’s structures – from your enzymes and hormones, to your muscles and bones. Your entire body needs protein!
Almonds are packed with plant-based calcium
This is especially important for those who do not consume dairy products.
Calcium is vital for strong bones and teeth, nervous and muscular function, in addition to hormone and enzyme production.
Almonds are valuable sources of plant-based iron
This mineral is critical for producing the haemoglobin protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs, and through to blood, to power all of your bodily functions.
Iron is also needed to produce the myoglobin protein that transports oxygen to your muscles.